It is a shame to come to the realization that when a man or women walks down the streets of their town, that they are constantly being judged. Not only what they wear, but how they walk, and the overall presence they give off. It has been said throughout America’s history, that this is a free country. However, history does not always coincide with this claim. For years the minorities of America struggle to free themselves from slavery and gain their own independence in a country said to be free. And why was this? It was because of the way the appeared, the color of their skin or hair, or the way they dressed. America has moved forward concerning its past, but new problems have arisen. People of all ages have become obsessed with how they appear, the latest fashion, the perfect weight, the dream body. Being beautiful has become the American dream. The desire, the longing to fit in, has been pushed to the extreme. The ads in magazines and on television consist almost entirely on fashion and diet trends. The effects media has done on its people are both physical and emotional.
In my own time of thought, I have considered the many possible reasons for this highly judgmental society. I have decided that many of these reasons are reasonable, and therefore all of them must be considered. However, I have found that the root of continuing this tragic cycle is the eyes. In order to judge one’s appearance, one must see the person. This can only be done through vision. We rate ourselves based on what we see in ads, how others look.
The only way to rid our society of these judgmental habits is to take away the root of this problem, the eyes. If a child was to be blinded at birth they would never be given the chance to see what our culture perceives to be beautiful. The children could go on living their lives, happy and free from taunting because they look different. As for the people already in existence, yes, it may be a shame to give up your eye sight after experience life with all five senses, but the benefits would greatly outweigh the costs.
Social acceptance would no longer be based on the size you wear, the cut of your hair, the shape of your nose, or the clothes on your back. Acceptance will come through the heart. Strangers will have to get to know each other before they could even come close to judging them, for it is human nature to judge a person by their outer appearance before they even open their mouth to speak. With the absence of social critique, personal critique will also disappear. When one can not see how they look, they are not worried about it. Young people of today are very susceptible to developing eating disorders because they feel the need be perfect like the people that surround them, and to be accepted by them.
The only objection that could be raised against this proposal of sight loss, would be that is would lead to the disablement of all people. But this is not a problem for many blind people, both historical and of the present, have the ability to lead normal, active lives. We would all adapt to living in darkness. And just because our culture changes, this does not mean that our government would, and for this reason all people would have the ability to apply for disability. Others may object because all jobs concerning the media or any sort of visual aspect would no longer be of use. But this can be considered a positive because the media one of the sources that breeds our cultures judgmental attitude.
Surely there could be other solution such as: requiring therapy for all people, putting limits on the media so that over exposure to these faulty beauty claims are avoided, or even something as extreme as setting standard of uniforms, which could not possibly work because the physical body could still be judged regardless of what you wear. So let no one speak to me of such trivial ideas, for blindness is the only pure solution.
If this proposal was to be put in the place the results would be both physically and emotionally beneficial. Confidence would increase, and our culture would be come open to peoples of all kind. The world would no longer have the right to call our nation vain and obsessive with how we look.
Therefore I urge America to accept this way of living so that the children can be free from this outer judgment. Give them the chance to build themselves up and express their true personalities that our culture has forced them to suppress.
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First off, let me say that I really enjoyed reading this satire; it was both funny, and frighteningly true. Society in general is hounded by the need for aesthetic perfection, reinforced by the media and its perception of beauty. I like how you stated that "It is human nature to judge a person by their outer appearance before they even open their mouths to speak" people are so critical of one another that the potential to meet new people is spoiled because we refuse to be seen talking to someone who doesn't look like the photo-shopped models on TV. I also agree with your conclusion that the only way to stop this downward trend in society is to remove the ability to see. With sight removed, people will be forced to judge people by the content of their character, not by the contours of their face and shape of their body. You also logically list the reasons behind your solution, making it a serious and viable solution. Good thing we know how to recognize satire, or else this could quite possibly be a seriously considered solution to our society aesthetic problem.
Great job on the blog! I fully agree that this world needs to become far less judgemental on one's appearance and place more emphasis on personality. As you stated, minorities struggled for years to become truly free. In my opinion, these minorities are not free;they still must endure racism and discrimination based solely on their appearance. Without eyes we could free our society from its aesthetic shackles. Going in another direction, it is very interesting to think that a few hundred years ago beauty was measured by how large someone was and how large their forehead was. Royalty distinguished themselves through elaborate garb and overlapping stomachs. Slowly, the media transformed beauty through magazines and movies. Now, thin is in. It is my opinion that everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin and not rely on surgeries and diets to change their appearances. Your answer to the possible rebuttal of your claim was very true and relevant. Many people have led fulfilling lives without eyesight and the people of this world could learn to do the same. I am glad you went in this direction; it is a critical problem in this country and needs a remedy. Imagine a world where eating disorders didn't exist and everyone was loved for who they were, not just the color of their skin or their waistsize.
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