Thursday, June 4, 2009

This I Believe

I believe in respect. I believe in respect for yourself, your image, and your opinions. But more importantly I believe in respect for one another, for your family, your parents, your elders, your teachers, your friends, and the man on the street. I believe that respect is more than what Aretha Franklin explained it to be in her song “Respect”. I believe respect is the result of your actions. I believe you either have respect for a person, or you don’t. There is no in between. I also believe in defending respect.

I was in a high school gym class one day that had students of all kinds, some I had never even seen before. One afternoon we played softball. We all participated, the jocks, the nerds, the outcasts, and everyone in between. I remember that there was one kid that particularly annoyed me that day. Not because of his obnoxious behavior, but for his lack of respect. He was the pitcher and found that it would be funny to insult the girls of the team. Not by poking fun at their softball skills, but by swearing at them and calling them crude names, names which I cannot even repeat. Now gym teachers have many students to watch over at one single time and there is always a sufficient amount of noise so it understandable that these comments went unheard. But I certainly heard them and found them quite offensive, that I could not let it roll off my back. I kindly told this student that those words where completely unnecessary and to please stop. The student did for the most part, but who knows what he might have said about me later.

Although it was only a high school gym class, and one minor offense, it makes me wonder what could happen if no one respected anyone. What would happen if not one single child obeyed their parents? What would happen if the great leaders and rulers of the world were to constantly fight and bicker? What would happen if all modesty and humility was lost? I would predict that the world would become cruel, harsh, and arrogant. Nobody likes to be treated with disrespect. It makes you feel like a failure, a low-life. For this I believe in respect, respect in all aspects of our lives. It is for these reasons that I strive to promote respect in not only my life, but in the lives of others. I believe respect can only be earned. And I believe respect can be seen in the simplest of actions, and of places, even in a high school gym class. This I believe.

Thursday, April 30, 2009



It is a shame to come to the realization that when a man or women walks down the streets of their town, that they are constantly being judged. Not only what they wear, but how they walk, and the overall presence they give off. It has been said throughout America’s history, that this is a free country. However, history does not always coincide with this claim. For years the minorities of America struggle to free themselves from slavery and gain their own independence in a country said to be free. And why was this? It was because of the way the appeared, the color of their skin or hair, or the way they dressed. America has moved forward concerning its past, but new problems have arisen. People of all ages have become obsessed with how they appear, the latest fashion, the perfect weight, the dream body. Being beautiful has become the American dream. The desire, the longing to fit in, has been pushed to the extreme. The ads in magazines and on television consist almost entirely on fashion and diet trends. The effects media has done on its people are both physical and emotional.

In my own time of thought, I have considered the many possible reasons for this highly judgmental society. I have decided that many of these reasons are reasonable, and therefore all of them must be considered. However, I have found that the root of continuing this tragic cycle is the eyes. In order to judge one’s appearance, one must see the person. This can only be done through vision. We rate ourselves based on what we see in ads, how others look.

The only way to rid our society of these judgmental habits is to take away the root of this problem, the eyes. If a child was to be blinded at birth they would never be given the chance to see what our culture perceives to be beautiful. The children could go on living their lives, happy and free from taunting because they look different. As for the people already in existence, yes, it may be a shame to give up your eye sight after experience life with all five senses, but the benefits would greatly outweigh the costs.

Social acceptance would no longer be based on the size you wear, the cut of your hair, the shape of your nose, or the clothes on your back. Acceptance will come through the heart. Strangers will have to get to know each other before they could even come close to judging them, for it is human nature to judge a person by their outer appearance before they even open their mouth to speak. With the absence of social critique, personal critique will also disappear. When one can not see how they look, they are not worried about it. Young people of today are very susceptible to developing eating disorders because they feel the need be perfect like the people that surround them, and to be accepted by them.

The only objection that could be raised against this proposal of sight loss, would be that is would lead to the disablement of all people. But this is not a problem for many blind people, both historical and of the present, have the ability to lead normal, active lives. We would all adapt to living in darkness. And just because our culture changes, this does not mean that our government would, and for this reason all people would have the ability to apply for disability. Others may object because all jobs concerning the media or any sort of visual aspect would no longer be of use. But this can be considered a positive because the media one of the sources that breeds our cultures judgmental attitude.

Surely there could be other solution such as: requiring therapy for all people, putting limits on the media so that over exposure to these faulty beauty claims are avoided, or even something as extreme as setting standard of uniforms, which could not possibly work because the physical body could still be judged regardless of what you wear. So let no one speak to me of such trivial ideas, for blindness is the only pure solution.

If this proposal was to be put in the place the results would be both physically and emotionally beneficial. Confidence would increase, and our culture would be come open to peoples of all kind. The world would no longer have the right to call our nation vain and obsessive with how we look.

Therefore I urge America to accept this way of living so that the children can be free from this outer judgment. Give them the chance to build themselves up and express their true personalities that our culture has forced them to suppress.

Monday, March 9, 2009

1984 or Brave New World?

Throughout history our society has evolved and changed its behaviors. 1984 and Brave New World are novels that reflect that fears of what our society may become. Some events in history have pointed to the predicted made in 1984 while others have directed our attention to Brave New World. Since society is constantly changing, neither one of these novels can be the absolute reflection of society today. However, within the past few years the trends of society are once again leaning towards the depiction in Brave New World.

Even in time of economical struggles, our society remains to be one of consumerism and pleasure. While life may not be so pleasing for all such as the Alphas or Betas depicted in Huxley’s Brave New World, even the working classes, such as the Epsilons, are happy to have a job and means to provide. Contemporary society loves their stuff, everything materialistic, just like those in Brave New World. Clothes and automobiles being some of the most prevalent in today’s society. Lenina showed off her fashionable Malthusian belt and everyone sported the finest helicopters in Brave New World. These days even children care more about the clothes and toys they have than anything else.

Many teens and young people of today want to believe that they have a stance on the issues that we face, but sadly many do not. The minds of these young people are being strongly influenced by the perfection that the media portrays and many want o achieve this perfection and have become passive, just buying into every new thing that comes around the corner.

The society depicted in Brave New World is the better portrayal of contemporary society, although it has the ability to change any day. Postman’s assertion for society is correct for these times. The things we love have the capacity to ruin us. Our eyes have been blinded, and our minds shut because of what we see on the media everyday. What is portrayed is not the truth, it merely a cover so that everyone will stay happy.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues of this day in age. Some argue that it is no better than murder, while others say that this form of punishment is a better way to deter others from crime. There is a big difference from taking the life of one person out of greed, jealously, revenge or any other devious motive and taking the life of a criminal in the name of justice. The death sentence, capital punishment, may seem harsh, but so do these awful crimes that are heard everyday on the news. Capital punishment is an effective way to keep the state in order and therefore governments should be given the power to use capital punishment.

It is true that capital punishment should not be taken lightly because it does entail taking the life of another. Those who oppose the death sentence believe that it may lead to the murder of innocent people. What about the lives they took themselves? No system can be perfect, but it is the duty of the government to use this form of punishment with discretion. The cost of capital punishment can also be debated. It is said that the cost of capital punishment is greater than that of life imprisonment. There is the cost of another prison to hold those on death row plus the maintenance of that building, employees, and other miscellaneous costs. The cost should not be an issue. There is always an alternative way to save money. The cost of life imprisonment is not cheap either. The state must hold the offenders till death or when they are released for parole.

What is the job given to the government? That is a simple question; they are given the job to keep the state in order. Without rules, laws, punishment, and justice society would breakdown. The citizen’s job is to follow the authority of the government. The laws are put in place to be followed by the citizens in order to protect them. When these laws are broken, punishment is deserved, but the punishment should fit the crime, nothing more, nothing less. This means that the greater the crime, the more severe the punishment deserved. A capital crime deserves capital punishment. Such harsh punishments are put into place in order to breed in the people so these laws are followed. If capital punishment was carried out successfully then it would better serve its purpose. However, there are times when prisoners on death row are set out on parole. Those in opposition of the death penalty do not find anything wrong in this. They believe that time in jail is a rehabilitation period. Rehabilitation does not always work. How is sitting in a jail cell, receiving three meals a day, doing minimal work, and perhaps a few therapy sessions rehabilitation? Capital punishment is an effective way to keep the state in order and ensure that top offenders cannot commit such crimes again.

It is not only unlawful but also unethical to take another’s life, there is no argument there, but when a crime is committed that is so severe that the presence of this person may be harmful to the well-being of society, that person should not even have the chance to return. The only way to ensure this is through capital punishment. The protection of its citizens should be the utmost priority of the state. The death sentence may seem immoral and wrong but it is an effective measure to keep the safety of the citizens.